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I Can’t Imagine A Day Without You

In honor of Women:

I can’t imagine a day without this!
She is a pretty girl with an available heart.
She is a beautiful woman with a protective shell available to be loved and love uncomparably.
She is an astonishing lady that smiles in a way that calms a storm.
She is an amazing chick who is down with you for the rest of your life.
She is a teacher that has learned to love you despite not getting enough.
She is a mother that carried, birthed, held, nurtured, and watched you with unconditional love.
She is a doctor that healed you from all the hurt you have experienced.
She is an attorney that stood beside you in court and fought for your rights.
She is a banker that held you up financially and counted your blessings when you took them for granted.
She is an engineer that fixed the failure.
She is a stylist that put your life’s outfit together.
She is a first lady that put herself second in order for you to stand firm.
She is an athlete that mastered the game of life.
She is a Queen that ran your Kingdom and let you have the glory.
She is a business owner that surpassed all expectations.
She is Social Worker that put her own work behind others.
She is a singer whose melody settled all unrest.
She is an administrative assistant that kept things in order so that you could operate without worry.
She is a cop protecting you from the crimes of life.
She is a therapist counseling you through your ups and downs.
She is a homemaker and that’s the reason the house is still standing.
She is a mechanic that makes sure you’re operating on all cylinders.
She is a chef that feeds you internally.
She is a sister that listened, prepared, and shared.
She is that cousin that is less than a phone call away.
She runs the world without needing to be acknowledged as the ruler.
She is a Minister that prayed for you and those prayers are why you exist in God’s graces.
She is woman! She is love. She is life. She is WOMAN! We honor you!
I can’t imagine a second without you!
(Image credit:

Bashea Williams, LCSW-C

Paul Bashea (Bah-Shay) Williams, LCSW-C, LICSW is described as an Intellectual Emotionalist. Someone who understands what a man thinks and what a woman feels. Helping the two meet and have common ground by encouraging emotion and logic to agree. He is a dedicated father, Licensed Certified Social Worker- Clinical, Relationship Specialist and Writer. He works with at-risk youth and specializes in marriage and family, couples, and individual counseling. He provides relationship advice to individuals and couples. He writes about life, love, and fatherhood. His writing, acting, and public speaking has been featured on panels throughout the country, Huffington Post and several other popular websites, national syndicated radio shows, television and movies. Bashea first started writing to first hold himself accountable and get a better understanding of people's hearts and minds. He loves how relationships work and operate. He strives to help others through his words. Bashea Williams has provided valuable insight on relationships, motivation, and parenting on a variety of panels and conferences. He is highly recruited and his work is valued as measurable and complete. He has years of providing counseling services for singles, couples, youth, and families. Bashea Williams has become well-known for his Trademarked Dear Future Wife series that serves as a man's guide and a woman's reference. His goal is to influence healthy relationships by having compromise, consideration, and an understanding of how people interact. You can follow his work at, BasheaWilliams on Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube.

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