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Dear Future Wife®: Love-Sex

I love sex, but I want the love-sex.

There is an art to pleasing that simplifies when there is only one to concentrate on.

My desire to please has become bigger than the unsure moments.

In addition to loving sex, I am seeking that Love-Sex.

I want us to redefine our love life.

I am no longer interested in that “who is next sex”.

Be the period to my present sex life.

I am interested in that covenant sex, promise sex, and look in your eyes and see our forever sex.

Covenant sex is where we pledge, promise, agree, commit and we are forever engaging under our life contract.

Life contract of understanding, willing to work and establishing that we are done in our search.

I want that waking up to my wife sex.

I want that wake up in the morning, we respect us sex.  Without the thought of either of us wanting to leave nor wanting the other to leave so we can have our bed back, sex.

I don’t want that “another notch on my belt sex”, that “check the box sex”, nor that “get it out of my system” sex.

I don’t want you to have that “what have I done sex” nor that “he doesn’t count sex”.

I want that connection of hearts, making love, sex.

Whether it is play sex, where it’s fun that starts from a flirt and a smile.

Whether it’s rough, where we need to prove a point or just need to release some aggression.

We will not be predictable, we will be experimental, finding new ways to make our sexual experiences refreshing.

I want to hear “I didn’t know you had that in you”.

I want that high-five in the morning when thinking about last night, sex.

I want us to be away from each other, have a flashback and plan to repeat sex.

When we get dirty…. remember you are my wife, I am your husband and the shower is a few steps away, if needed.

When we argue, we focus on resolving and reward each other with makeup sex.

Nights of passionate sex, where we get that look or a mood and we are reminded of the reason why we said “I do”.

Sometimes we won’t have a lot of time but need it (quickie sex).

I could go into ten more different ways we will keep ourselves entertained, satisfied, and completed sexually fulfilled like a marathon, wake you up, angry, lazy, but the most important thing is that you are THE ONE, THE ONLY, AND THE LAST.

You gave me all of you in exchange for all of me.

Sex is a responsibility.  Sex is a covenant.  Sex is a promise.  Sex is a permanent connection.

The Netflix account is in our name, so we can chill and watch the movie in its entirety either now or another time.

My goal is to be the perfect to you, sex.

I will learn your body, mind, soul, and spirit.

We will make love before our body’s touch.

Give me all of you in exchange for me.

Dear Future Wife, love-sex.

(Image credit:

Bashea Williams, LCSW-C

Paul Bashea (Bah-Shay) Williams, LCSW-C, LICSW is described as an Intellectual Emotionalist. Someone who understands what a man thinks and what a woman feels. Helping the two meet and have common ground by encouraging emotion and logic to agree. He is a dedicated father, Licensed Certified Social Worker- Clinical, Relationship Specialist and Writer. He works with at-risk youth and specializes in marriage and family, couples, and individual counseling. He provides relationship advice to individuals and couples. He writes about life, love, and fatherhood. His writing, acting, and public speaking has been featured on panels throughout the country, Huffington Post and several other popular websites, national syndicated radio shows, television and movies. Bashea first started writing to first hold himself accountable and get a better understanding of people's hearts and minds. He loves how relationships work and operate. He strives to help others through his words. Bashea Williams has provided valuable insight on relationships, motivation, and parenting on a variety of panels and conferences. He is highly recruited and his work is valued as measurable and complete. He has years of providing counseling services for singles, couples, youth, and families. Bashea Williams has become well-known for his Trademarked Dear Future Wife series that serves as a man's guide and a woman's reference. His goal is to influence healthy relationships by having compromise, consideration, and an understanding of how people interact. You can follow his work at, BasheaWilliams on Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube.

This Post Has 16 Comments

  1. Charlene


    1. Bashea Williams

      The Real Person!

      Author Bashea Williams acts as a real person and passed all tests against spambots. Anti-Spam by CleanTalk.

      Thank you!

  2. Ms. Lewis

    In tears! It speaks to the heart……my hearts desire is to be blessed with a husband who speaks the same sentiments. May God’s favor and blessings be upon you always!

  3. ORIEN

    This is beautiful! A reminder that there are men out there who are interested in building a strong bond and connection with his one and only….his wife.

  4. Jacqueline Williams

    I love love love this. Its beautiful

  5. A. McCallie ; )

    Thank you for putting words to my desires. You gave me renewed breath that this experience can exist. I am appreciative of your willingness to openly speak life.

  6. Rosemary Edwards

    Dear future husband
    Signed, Sealed, Delivered I’m yours…but where are you?

  7. Jasmyne Jackson

    Hunny, this part right here:

    “Sex is a responsibility. Sex is a covenant. Sex is a promise. Sex is a permanent connection.

    The Netflix account is in our name, so we can chill and watch the movie in its entirety either now or another time.”

    …..I want to read this again, but since I don’t have a mate & the way the Almighty been keeping me, I’ll pass! Great job though Mr. Williams

  8. Oneness. Energy. Inhale/Exhale. Rhythms.Vibrations.Water.Fire.Air.Earth.Rain.Winds.Silence.Embrace……… And it was……

  9. VanAngela Marquez

    As I patiently wait while God prepares me for my Future Husband…I know that somewhere in this world, he is waiting for me. Together, we will experience Love-Sex as you described Bashea Williams. He & I will be 2 halves of One, enraptured in each other’s essence. Our bodies & souls intertwined…naturally, spiritually, physically, & most definitely sexually. Good night

  10. Ashleigh K

    What!? Snap! Snap! snap it up!! Yes!! You said that soo right!

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