I need you to be secure.
I need you to know that the same things that attracted you are also attractive to other women.
That does not mean their attraction will lead me to where we meet.
That does not mean I am attracted to their attraction.
I need you to know my efforts and how they are spread, does not decrease your value.
I need you to know my attention will never exist outside of what we want for each other and our relationship.
I need you to know that other women will inspire me.
Wait, before you allow insecurity to run wild in your thoughts and emotions.
Know that no matter where my inspiration comes from, you will receive my dedication.
The beginning of me existed before we met and I want the ending of me to expire while we are meeting.
Every single day will be a meeting of US.
I will be loved by others, but only LOVE ON YOU.
Me saying hello to other women does not mean I’m telling you or my promises to us GOODBYE.
I am not inviting anyone past the security of our relationship.
This relationship is V.I.P. and the P is singular. You are the person very important to me.
The ideas behind my thoughts may not always derive from you.
They may come from other women.
That does not mean you are lacking in any area of our lives together.
That just means they said or did something that sparked a new way for me to please you.
I need you to be secure enough to know, believe and feel that my passion exists in making you in awe of me.
I am not interested in an “awe” of interest from others.
Allow me to show you how rare you are to me.
How there isn’t anyone comparable and how I will continue to work to keep you as my wife.
You will always know the difference between me saying the words I love you, by the way, I LOVE YOU.
I accept the responsibility of influencing your security in our relationship.
Allow my arms to secure you from anything that may create doubt and everything does not belong in our relationship.
You are secure in my arms.
(Image credit: thebklynsocial.com)
Wowwwwwww this article made me re-evaluate reactions I have had in some situations pertaining to relationship. I had never heard it put this way before. Admiration of another woman does not devalue me in the eyes of the man who views me in the way you described the woman in your life in the article. Oh my God I just had an emotional orgasm, excuse my expression but this is the best way to describe the revelation I received here. Again thanks for sharing.