Are you investing your money? If so, in what? Stocks, bonds, other companies, other people, your bills?
The biggest investment you should make is in yourself.
Put in the effort to self-invest.
Open up a separate bank account strictly for deposits. It should be at a different bank.
Take one of your checkbooks from your day to day accounts and use it solely to pay into your self-investing account.
Take out your checkbook and write yourself a check.
In the memo section, write self-investment, write because I love you, write because I care, write because I am worth it, write because I am important, write because I am special/unique/blessed/beautiful/handsome/smart/intelligent/cool/strong. Write whatever makes you feel good about yourself.
Pay attention to the feeling you get while writing that check to yourself and taking the time out to write something personal in the memo section.
Deposit that check.
Invest in yourself.
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